Performance of Concrete Materials Containing Recycled Aggregate from Construction and Demolition Waste in India

Recycled concrete aggregate, Recycled aggregate concrete, Mechanical behaviour, Durability propertyAbstract
The recycling and reuse of waste concrete in India have gained significant momentum as sustainable construction practices are increasingly prioritized. This abstract provides a concise overview of the current state of recycling and reuse of waste concrete in India, with a focus on the relevant provisions of the Indian Standard (IS) codes. In-dia produces a substantial amount of construction and demolition waste, including concrete. The IS codes, such as IS 2386 Part 1:1963, IS 2386 Part 3:1963, and IS 456:2000, play a crucial role in guiding the testing, evaluation, and usage of recycled concrete materials. IS 2386 Part 1:1963 outlines testing procedures for aggregates, including recycled aggregates derived from waste concrete. These tests assess properties like particle size distribution, specific gravity, water absorption, and crushing strength to ensure the quality and suitability of recycled aggregates. IS 2386 Part 3:1963 provides methods for testing the compressive strength of concrete cubes made with recycled aggregates. This allows for evaluating the structural performance of recycled concrete. IS 456:2000, the Code of Practice for Plain and Reinforced Concrete, includes provisions for using recycled aggregates in concrete. It establishes maximum limits for replacing natural aggregates with recycled aggregates, ensuring the durability and strength of the resulting concrete. While the IS codes provide essential guidance, challenges remain, including awareness among stakeholders, standardized testing procedures, and the development of appropriate recycling infra-structure. In conclusion, adherence to IS codal provisions supports the recycling and reuse of waste concrete in India, promoting sustainable practices and contributing to a greener construction industry.
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