Scenario of Offshore Wind Power Generation in India

Wind power, offshore wind farms, Present scenario of wind industryAbstract
An exponential increase has been seen in the human population in the last few years. To meet the electricity requirement production has to be increased. The dependence on fos-sil fuels for generation has to be minimized. The practices of fossil fuel have contributed to the environmental degradation and its resources depleted continuously, that’s why the whole world is switching to an alternate or renewable energy options. The electricity sector has to develop more generation capacity to maintain this development. According to 2012 data, only a small fraction (26GW) of India's total installed electricity capacity (210GW) produced from renewable sources. Hence Indian Government wants to shift to renewable forms of energy source share 40-42% of the total energy production i.e., 166GW. The share of wind energy is 60% of the total renewable energy basket, but the contribution from the offshore wind farms is lacking, as the wind energy generated in India is mostly through onshore wind farms. Promotion of offshore wind energy will farm will lead to reduction in dependency on fossil fuels, deplete in greenhouse emis-sion, increase in environmental conservation and increase employment in India. India is coping up with the industry. Offshore wind energy is an emergent renewable energy industry, and it will become as main source of the future energy for India. This paper deals with the present situation and drift of offshore wind industries in India.
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