Purification of Water Using Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology, reverse osmosis, photocatalytic titania, sustainabilityAbstract
One of the most crucial ingredients for life on earth is water. It has played a crucial role in the development of human civilizations, starting with the emergence of the first aspect of existence in seawater. The demand for clean water is universal and essential to all human species. But at the moment, pure water supplies are being poisoned. Water quality and society's level of development have recently been linked. The safety of drinking water has been put in jeopardy by several chemical and biological pollutants. Alternatives for decontaminating and reusing water are among the most desired solu-tions to address the issues of water shortage and the escalating disputes over this essen-tial resource. A significant issue is the buildup of organic debris and its residues in wastewater. Significant progress has been achieved in using the chemistry of nano-materials for purifying water as a result of the realization of the molecular nature of pollution in drinking water. Due to its capacity to produce precise, structurally controlled materials for such needs, nanotechnology offers exceptional potential in filtering appli-cations. By extending the idea of clean, inexpensive, and sustainable water to the eco-system as a whole, we point out that cities may live and breathe comfortably by using such technology. Sustainability in clean water may be achieved by comprehending the major environmental issues facing the world and investigating potential solutions from new nanotechnologies.
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