Jhama Brick in Construction: A Sustainable Alternative

Jhama brick aggregates, Construction material, Natural resources, Re- source depletion, Environmental impacAbstract
This research project aimed to assess the feasibility and potential advantages of substituting a portion of the coarse aggregate in concrete with Jhama brick aggregates. With concrete being a fundamental construction material, the selection of coarse aggregates significantly impacts its properties. Traditionally, natural resources like gravel and crushed stone are utilized, but concerns regarding resource depletion and environmental impact have spurred interest in alternative materials. Jhama bricks, commonly used in construction across various regions, possess properties that make them promising candidates for replacing coarse aggregates in concrete partially. Laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate the mechanical, dura- bility, and workability properties of concrete mixes containing different proportions of Jhama brick aggregates. The findings offer valuable insights into the viability of Jhama brick aggregates as a sustainable alternative to conventional coarse aggregates in concrete construction. This research has potential implications for reducing the environmental footprint of concrete production and promoting the utilization of locally available materials.
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