Corrosivity Analysis of Groundwater of Ganeshwar Village in Neemkathana Block of Sikar District (Rajasthan) India

Corrosivity, Groundwater, physio-chemical parameters, Human Health, WHO, BISAbstract
Corrosion is an important water quality tribulation as it tends to increase some metals in drinking water pipes and fittings, which can also affect the public health. The following items are made from metals like steel, lead and copper or other metals such as: water flowing pipes, storage tanks, solders and pipe fittings etc., and if the water have corro-siveness nature then the metals will be dissolved sometimes in water and these metals creates both problems as aesthetic and health-related in certain cases. The Langelier index (LI), aggressive index (AI), Ryznar index (RI), Puckorius index (PI), and Lar-son-Skold index (LS) are the most common corrosion and scaling indices. The AI is a good scaling index as compared to others and can be used in all parameters. In this study aggressive index (AI) is used. The corrosivity of groundwater of Ganeshwar village of Neemkathana block is taken to evaluate its suitability for human health. For this purpose, groundwater samples were collected during the period of January 2022 to De-cember 2022 from the bore-well of the sampling sites. The physico-chemical parameters like pH, total hardness and total alkalinity were selected and tested as per the norms of BIS (IS 10500: 2012) standard and compared simultaneously. The AI indices reveals that the potable water of borewell of Ganeshwar village did not have corrosivity and does not corrosively damage the storage tank and supply water pipes lines and fittings.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Santosh Kumar Verma, Suresh Kumar Verma, Dr. Shiv Lal, Kumud Tanwar, Ashok Kumar Kakodia

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